Summer Exhibition - The Commons | The Other

Visit the first exhibition of our annual theme “The Commons | The Other”, which features projects from our two 2016 summer semester Artists’ Projects, as well as work from the Urbano Fellows. Classes have been exploring our annual theme through critical media literacy, cinema tech, and civic sculpture. 
The gallery is open from Monday to Friday, 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. 

Through the Lens of Resistance: Youth Activism and Media, a participatory research project led by Aly Kreikemeier, the class developed critical media literacy through learning about how media operates, the role that media plays in inequality, and gained the skills to produce their own media that talks back to dominant representations.

Cinema Tech 1.0: Space, Light, and Sound, taught by Darren Alexander Cole, explored “the other” using technology, media, and research. Students developed strategies to engage society as civic futurist designers that want to market positive change locally and globally.

Salvador Jiménez-Flores is leading the Urbano Fellows –our group of student artists who also serve as peer leaders- this summer in Civic Sculpture, ¿cuándo y dónde? to continue the work they started last semester. They continued creating civic engagements in the Egleston community and activate vacant spaces through performance, social interventions, and youth-led workshops.