Who Has A Voice?:
Radical Listening
& Extended Vocality
Spring 2023 Community Art Program
(May - June 2023)
with Artist in Residence
About this program:
How do we listen?
The voice has personal, political, and planetary dimensions. Who has a voice? Do squealing glaciers have voices? What can sound tell us about the health of rivers? How have cities transformed birdsong?
Who — and what — is able to speak?
And, how ought we listen?
Participants in this project will cultivate a radical form of listening. To explore both sound art and our everyday environments, we will practice gathering, recording, editing, and mixing sounds, culminating in a hybrid installation-performance that will create new sonic worlds.
As participants in an inter-species call-and-response, how shall we reply?
WHO CAN APPLY? Participants ages 15-65+ are invited to apply to join this program. All materials and instruction will be provided to participants, in addition to a stipend of up to $550 upon successful completion of the program. No prior experience is necessary!
WHEN & WHERE DO SESSIONS TAKE PLACE? Sessions for this project will take place on Monday and Wednesday evenings at The Foundry in Kendall Square, plus two longer sessions taking place on Saturdays at locations TBD. A Final Event showcase will take place at the end of the workshop sessions, date in late June TBD.
Questions? Please email Programs Manager Sarah Pacheco at sarah@urbanoproject.org.
Urbano is committed to maintaining a safe, comfortable, and supportive environment for all participants. Every group session will be attended and monitored by an Urbano staff member. At this point, we are not requiring adult participants to complete a CORI check, but please note that this may change and that we are actively assessing the need for this for the safety of youth participants.