the libertad company

Lead Artist: Maggie Cavallo

This semester the fellows split up individually or into groups of 2 to create projects based around the theme. Ecuris and Yarisa created the Libertad Co. which asked questions of the audience about love and pain that would later be responded two in the form of a card made by the fellows mailed back to them. Serena asked 4 questions of the audience and based on their response had them wear a necklace with certain colors, pink for loving themselves, purple for pride in themselves, white for feminism, and blue for trusting someone else. Juan was desillusion a character he created who would interact directly with audience members in the gift of conversation. Lastly, Safiyyah and Sarauniya created a performance art piece where they wore masks until half way through the performance, lifting them to reveal they are twins in a way to show that they may be similar they are very difference.