Loreto Paz Ansaldo


Loreto Paz Ansaldo is a community organizer, activist and educator. Born in Santiago de Chile, Loreto moved to Boston at age nine and attended Boston Public Schools, where she learned English, the traumas of immigration and her love for making things happen. Pursuing deep and varied interests, she later studied nuclear engineering and Latin American Studies at MIT. Loreto is certified as a math teacher, receiving her Masters of Science for Teachers from Pace University and teaching in New York with Teach for America. She also has extensive experience in nonprofit development and retail, and training as a reiki practioner, street medic, legal observer, and copwatcher.

Currently, Loreto is a member of the Leadership Coucnil for #BostonCreates, where she is working to center issues of justice and the experience of artists of color and the city’s marginalized populations systemically displaced and disenfranchised. Loreto combines all her passions to mobilize the inextricable connection between art and social movements and their power for liberation.

Visit her project:
Public Art Take Back!
Public Art Take Back! 2