Harvesting Walls
Bart Shigeru Uchida
Gloria Salazar
Roberto Chao
This course aimed to help students acquire a higher level of awareness of environmental issues and realize their potential to take initiatives to improve their environment. They learned basic gardening techniques and fundamental visual guidelines to create a final piece of work alongside developing key public presentation skills.
The students created a vertical garden in collage form whilst also integrating other artistic forms of expression, such as painting and/or photograph. This was made in collaboration with the other art instructors of the project.
This course was inspired by both the work of Patrick Blanc (considered the creator of vertical gardens) as well as the field research undertaken by the Instructors in public spaces and urban housing in México City. This course addressed “emancipation” through the creation of an art piece driven by personal initiative and creativity which will inspire ideas for a better life.
Bart Shigeru Uchida's work has evolved to include large-scale installations, performance art, collaborations and public art.